- G1 Skids
- BT Broadblast

Strength: 4
Intelligence: 9
Speed: 5
Endurance: 6
Rank: 8
Courage: 7
Firepower: 5
Skill: 7
Total: 51
Function: Theoretician
Transformation: Toyota Scion bB x version
Note: C10 MIB, purchased 2005

Skids considers Earth one vast laboratory and constantly works on his analyser circuitry, pondering over new knowledge and discoveries he makes on Earth. Due to his tendency to daydream, every now and then he will find himself in situations that cause him to suddenly brake down on the road. As an anthropologist and researcher, Skids possesses a high performance scanner with an enormous capacity for memory storage, and highly superior intelligence which has made him a key member of the "Space Time Threat Counter Unit". His right leg is equipped with a built-in rocket pod, and his fingers are capable of emitting electron bursts of 100,000 volts

Weapons: Liquid Nitrogen Rifle

Photograph Links (click the following to view):

Front of box
Back of box
Robot mode
Robot mode alternate angle
Robot mode with weapon
Back of robot mode
Vehicle mode on stand
Front of vehicle mode
Back of vehicle mode
Front of vehicle mode, all doors open
Back of vehicle mode, all doors open
Front of vehicle mode, front doors open
Back of vehicle mode, front doors open
Boot open
Bonnet open



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