Transformers Binaltech Asterisk Translated Story

BTA-01 Alert translated by Jeremy Barlow; BTA-02 Sunstreaker courtesy of Doug Dlin

BTA-01 Alert meets Ai

A red flash cuts through the darkness.
A piercing siren breaks the silence.
The rotating lights and sirens of police cars were unmistakable, disrupting the residents' peaceful night's sleep. Loud and powerful statements came from the loud speakers. “That car there, stop!” Despite the authoritative delivery, the voice was somewhat childlike and cute?
A policewoman named Ai Kurumi, embodying the innocence of a young girl, tightly grips the steering wheel while keeping a vigilant eye on the getaway car. She is a rookie police officer recently assigned to the department.

“This guy’s luck has run out today. I didn’t think we’d find him…”
“It’s good to be enthusiastic, young lady, but you’re a little rough on the wheel.”
“Do you still promise to let me drive Alert?”
“Well, I can’t stop you. But please don’t scratch up my paintwork!”
A deep voice that sounded like a male’s voice came from the car’s speakers, but this wasn’t the person over the police radio.
The police car was called Alert and he was talking to Ai.
Amazingly Alert had a mind of his own.

However, Ai is the sole person in the police station aware of this; upon joining the department, she discerned his true nature through her sharp insight.
Until the day he encountered Ai, Alert had been disguised as a “regular police car”, clandestinely controlling the driving without the driver even being aware.
Because of his neurotic personality he doesn’t easily trust humans.
For some inexplicable reason, Alert sensed a shared wavelength with Ai and chose to focus solely on being the "car," entrusting her with the driving responsibilities.
As Alert reminisced about these events, Ai, with her somewhat daring yet skillful driving technique, ultimately brought the getaway car to a complete halt and swiftly exited the vehicle.
“Now stop resisting and surrender peacefully!”
However, just when it seemed like the criminal had surrendered to Ai's command, the sharp sound of a gunshot pierced the air. The criminal had fired a shot at Ai.
Ai was directly in the line of fire. But then…

Upon his exclamation, Alert's two-toned body gleamed in the moonlight, emitting a distinctive mechanical sound as it transformed and touched the asphalt with its two feet.
The figure could only be described as a “robot”.
Swiftly employing his massive body as a shield for Ai, he effortlessly deflected the bullets.
Within this brief moment, only a few milliseconds had elapsed.
Without having time to think, the criminal could only curse his luck upon seeing Alert and Ai closing in on him.


Story With Sunstreaker
The sun blazed down, and the air was choked with the clamour of people. Galleries of crowds thronged the circuit's pit road, engulfed in the heat, and the race queens of each team turned to the cameras. Even amid all those people, a noticeably huge crowd had formed around Junko Shirakami, the race queen for Team Autobot. She was shapely and had a fresh smile. Currently the centre of attention, Junko was getting a flood of offers from the entertainment world. But in contrast to the clear sky, she was filled with clouds of worry. "Oh, I don't think I got my make-up on quite right today...and I'm sure I'm gonna get sunburned..." Junko was impatient to open the parasol she held in her hand.
But she was not the only one whose heart was troubled. By Junko's side, the yellow racing car known as Sunstreaker gave vent to complaints under his fenders. "Why is everyone paying attention just to Junko? Why aren't they including me in the frame? come I'm not taking part in the race!?" Only Junko was aware of the amazing secret that Sunstreaker had a will of his own. However, he'd been registered as Team Cybertrons spare car, so he couldn't participate in races, and the cameras were only rarely turned on him in photo shoots. These were days of intolerable humiliation for Sunstreaker, who had absolute confidence in his speed and polished body. Soon, completely apart from him, the lunch-break pit walk ended and the final race began. Shortly afterward, however, an enormous fireball and black smoke ascended from one corner of the course. Several of the race cars had collided from behind and rolled to create a huge accident.
"Junko, get in!"
As soon as Junko, still holding her parasol, had climbed into the cockpit, Sunstreaker gunned his chassis into a jackrabbit start. As far as any bystanders could see, Junko was driving, but that was camouflage for Sunstreaker. At some point, she had simply come to bear that role. "Now THIS is how you race!!" His tires screeched as he peeled out. Sunstreaker tore along the circuit even faster than the safety car, racing onto the scene of the accident. There, within the enshrouding smoke, he let out Junko and changed shape.
Now in robot mode, Sunstreaker set about rescuing the drivers trapped in the wrecked cars. As he did, though, Junko was shocked to see him step on her darling parasol.
"And that was my favourite, too!"
As the lamenting Junko watched over Sunstreaker's rescue activities, she went over in her mind how she'd get him to make it up to her on the drive he'd promised to take with her that weekend.
"This week, we are going to enjoy an absolutely normal drive!" And yet she sighed, wondering how long she'd continue to be stuck in this lousy relationship.


BTA-03 Broadblast meets Lumina
Translated Tech Specs
The Transformers Binaltech Asterisk
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